Currency for Kids

Currency for Kids


Learn about our partnership.

Currency for Kids began in 2020 as a partnership with the Durham Children’s Aid Foundation. In April of 2022, the program expanded to include a dozen Children’s Aid Foundations across Ontario, from Ottawa to Windsor, from Niagara to York Region.

You can even mail in your donations to their offices if that is more convenient (click on the logo below for individual website and details).

You can also mail or drop off your donations at our office in Etobicoke; just mention that you would like your donation directed to “Currency for Kids” or include a note in your package and we will take care of the rest.

If you are interested in learning more about Currency for Kids, you can follow them on their Facebook page.

Currency for Kids over $50,000 raised
Any Currency, Any Amount
Children's Aid Foundations
leftover foreign currency


Help support our efforts.

We currently have over 30+ drop off locations across Ontario.

If you would like to support your local Children’s Aid Foundation, please let us know and we can put you in touch with the right people. Currency for Kids isn’t just about supporting Children’s Aid Foundations across Ontario; it is also intended to help and support the businesses participating in the program by creating awareness for those businesses and driving traffic to their locations. You can support local charities AND help neighbourhood businesses at the same time.

While Currency for Kids supports a dozen Children’s Aid Foundations in Ontario, there are many more that are not yet participating. If your organization would like to get involved, please let us know and we can get you started and guide you through the process


it's all about relationships

a collaboration 10+ years in the making.

For nearly a decade, Continental Currency Exchange has supported multiple charities around Greater Ontario.

In the latest partnership, CCE is supporting the Currency for Kids program and they have collectors in all 19 of their branches across Ontario.

Continental Currency Exchange office
Currency for Kids
donate your leftover foreign currency

Ontario Children's aid foundations supporting currency for kids

The logo for the windsor essex children 's aid foundation
A black and pink drawing of a heart with feathers on it.
The family and children 's services of the waterloo region foundation logo
The children 's aid foundation of halton logo is purple and green.
A logo for the catholic children 's aid society of hamilton
A logo for the facs niagara foundation with a sunflower in the middle
A logo for children first fund family and children 's services of guelph and wellington county
The logo for the peel children 's aid foundation
The logo for the york region children 's fund
The logo for the child and family services of grand erie foundation
A logo for the children 's foundation helping one child at a time
The children 's aid foundation of ottawa logo has a house and a sun on it.

businesses supporting currency for kids across Ontario

Alivio Downsizing logo 
leftover foreign currency
donate foreign currency
what to do with leftover foreign currency
Global Currency Services logo 
Supporting Currency for Kids
donate foreign currency
what to do with leftover foreign currency
Ultimate Currency Exchange logo 
Supporting Currency for Kids
what to do with leftover foreign currency
Currency Converters logo 
Supporting Currency for Kids
donate foreign currency
what to do with leftover foreign currency
Wellington Foreign Exchange logo 
Currency for Kids
donate foreign currency
what to do with leftover foreign currency
YNCU logo 
Supporting Currency for Kids
donate foreign currency
what to do with leftover foreign currency
First Ontario Credit Union logo 
Currency for Kids
donate foreign currency
what to do with leftover foreign currency
Minty Silver Exchange logo 
Supporting Currency for Kids
donate foreign currency
what to do with leftover foreign currency
London Currency Exchange logo 
Supporting Currency for Kids
donate foreign currency
what to do with leftover foreign currency
The logo for the child and family services of grand erie foundation
A logo for the children 's foundation helping one child at a time
The children 's aid foundation of ottawa logo has a house and a sun on it.
A logo for children first fund family and children 's services of guelph and wellington county
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