Foreign Currency Fundraising


No Cost

Program covers all costs

Big Potential

Billions of leftover currency

Realize Value

Untapped potential

Eco Friendly

Every coin is recycled

Many Ways To Collect

How does it work?

Just tell your supporters and let the public know that you now accept leftover foreign currency as a means of donation.

That's it.

It really is that easy.

Foreign currency can be collected in a variety of ways such as dropping off at your office, coin boxes, fundraising events, mail-ins, and more. We work with you to determine the best method of collection for your organization, help you with your marketing strategies, and promote your efforts to our audience as well.

We arrange for the currency to be picked up or transported to our facility where it is sorted, counted, documented, and repatriated.

Once that is done, we send proceeds back to you at no cost!

No start up fees.

No monthly fees.

You’ll never receive an invoice ... only a deposit to your account.

You know your charity, your audience, and your fundraising.

That's what we ask you to focus on.

We will help you build out your program, and then handle all of the back end - collection from your site, sorting, processing, logistics, and repatriation.




We all know that foreign currency travels the world.

But did you know that foreign coin moves differently than foreign bank notes. Unlike a lot of different bank notes, foreign coin has no currency exchange market to move it back "home". Foreign coin ends up being "stuck" where it is and has no value there.

Consider this:

Foreign currency fundraising is the only activity that results in foreign coin returning to its home country.

Without foreign currency fundraising, virtually every coin that leaves its "home" country would never return.

That's a lot of coin minted and put into circulation that can no longer be used.

Think about that the next time you look at the souvenirs you brought home from your last vacation.

By donating them, you aren't just helping your favourite charity, you are helping in the re-circulation of foreign coin and reducing the number of coins needing to be made in the future!


Raise More Funds

Is Foreign Currency FUNDRAISING effective?

Most charities accept donations in cash; why not accept cash in all currencies?

A small shift in perspective can lead to big increases in fundraising dollars. In some parts of the world, entire charities have been built around collecting foreign and/or outmoded currency. If a charity can be supported by that alone, imagine what sort of a boost your charity would get adding foreign currency fundraising to your existing programs!

Studies suggest the volume of foreign currency in most countries to be into the Billions, or Tens of Billions of dollars. This is money that is sitting in a junk drawer, under a couch cushion, or in a jar, and that could be powering social good around the world.

Remember: there are charities in Ireland and New Zealand that are funded through the promotion and collection of leftover foreign currency.

If it didn't work, those charities would have abandoned the concept years ago!

your Company can contribute

employee engagement in the private sector

You don't have to be a charity to be involved. Businesses, large and small, can also collect on behalf of charities. Foreign currency fundraising is an excellent way to engage your employees by supporting causes they care about with the added benefit of generating positive marketing and press for your organization.

Whether its a donation bin in the office, or during work events, or something else entirely - we can make it happen. Celebrate and engage with your diverse team by providing a map so they can mark the locations of the currency they are donating ... your team will be more engaged and may learn something new about their co-workers.

If you don't have a charity in mind, don't worry! We can introduce you to dozens of charities around the world who would love for you to collect on their behalf.

Company social impact matters to your employees. Support them by supporting the causes they care about - every cent matters.


Global Coin Solutions


Children’s Aid Foundation of ottawa

Children’s Aid Foundation of Ottawa and Global Coin Solutions have come together to improve the lives of children, youth, and families via the Currency For Kids program.


UNICEF USA – Change For Good

UNICEF USA has partnered with Global Coin Solutions in support of their Change for Good program, helping to improve the lives of children around the world.

Established in 1987, Change for Good is one of UNICEF's best-known and longest-running partnerships. The global program has raised more than $174 million to support programs for children worldwide.


Air Canada Foundation

Air Canada Foundation has partnered with Global Coin Solutions to support their Every Bit Counts program (both in-flight collections and their collectors at all Maple Leaf Lounges around the world).


Transportation Businesses

Working with airlines and airports

Global Coin Solutions has been supporting the airline and airport industries for as long as we have been around.
We understand what works and the effort required for a successful collection program.

Airlines are the first place that foreign currency moves around.

Collecting in-flight provides you with a captured audience and a platform to tell your story and make it very clear why you are asking for donations.

Including an in-flight collection to further support the charity work you do makes tremendous “cents” given the majority of foreign currency makes its way into people’s homes and never leaves.

With program names like "Every Bit Counts" and "Change for Good", passengers quickly understand how even little amounts of change can help!

Airports are the next logical step in the collection process.

Passengers may have missed the in-flight announcement or the request was never even made … having collectors throughout the airport provides the passengers with an easy way to donate their leftover foreign currency, or spare change.

Millions of dollars are collected each year by the airports participating in these programs and if your airport isn’t one of them, it should be. You can read more at the International Airport Review here.

Whether it is an airline or airport that wants to collect leftover foreign currency, Global Coin Solutions can help you build a program and will provide the logistics and processing services at no charge. We’ll help you develop and grow your program with minimal effort required on your part.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is foreign currency fundraising really free?

    Absolutely! You send in your currency or we arrange for it to be picked up and shipped to our facilities, we sort it (you don’t need to do that), repatriate what we can, and take a small percentage to cover our fees. The vast majority goes back to the charities and businesses we support.

    It’s free to start a foreign currency collection program. There is no start up fee and no monthly costs. You collect the donations and we’ll take over from there.

    We don’t succeed unless you do.

  • Is it even possible to raise a lot of money?

    It’s estimated that there is approximately $57-$86 worth of foreign currency per person (that’s $2-3 Billion worth in Canada alone – $10 – $30 Billion in the U.S.). Foreign currency fundraising is not well known in North America. Because of this, any charity that utilizes it will be able to collect significant funds. There is a huge opportunity waiting for people to take advantage!

  • Why haven’t I heard of this before?

    Foreign currency fundraising has not made its way to North America yet. This is good for you because it means there’s lots of latent potential. In the U.K., virtually every charity has a foreign currency component to their fundraising effort. In Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, collecting leftover foreign currency for charity is very common.

  • What if GCS receives a currency that’s been withdrawn?

    If it is or was money, it has value. Sometimes you may collect coins or banknotes which are outmoded or otherwise unable to be repatriated. In these situations, Global Coin Solutions will process the collected currency and pay for it in bulk; by the kg/lb for coins and by the piece for banknotes. This way, all currency has value to our clients.

  • Do you buy or sell coins and banknotes?

    No.  We are not a currency exchange and therefore, we cannot buy or sell currency.  But, if you would like to donate it to a charity, we can definitely help you with that!

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