Charity Partners

Charity Partners

Featured Charity Partners:

Currency for Kids logo
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Currency for Kids

Currency for Kids launched in 2020 with Durham Children’s Aid Foundation and expanded in April 2022 to 12 foundations spanning Ontario from Ottawa to Windsor. 2023 will be its first full year province-wide, with high hopes for success!

UNICEF logo 
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what to do with leftover foreign currency
how to donate leftover foreign currency

UNICEF USA – Change For Good

UNICEF USA has partnered with Global Coin Solutions in support of their Change for Good program, helping to improve the lives of children around the world.

The Air Canada Foundation logo
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donate holiday money
what to do with leftover foreign currency

Air Canada Foundation

Air Canada Foundation has partnered with Global Coin Solutions to support their Every Bit Counts program (both in-flight collections and their collectors at all Maple Leaf Lounges around the world).


trusted by Charities around the world

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what to do with leftover foreign currency
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We want to work with you!

Let’s connect and explore ways we can help implement new or enhance your existing fundraising initiatives. Give us a call or send us an e-mail.

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